Habakuk 2:14 For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD…
Jesus said that in the power of the Holy Spirit, we are to be His witnesses in all the world and that we are to make disciples of all nations (See Mt. 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8). When Jesus spoke of going into all the world, He spoke of Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the world. The mission field for every believer begins in their own sphere of influence meaning everywhere they go in their daily lives. From there, each of us are to go to the different parts of the world as led by the Holy Spirit. At A Heart Like His Ministries Intl., we have been blessed by God with a passion for our own nation here in the USA. We love going to various cities and regions connectiong with the body of Christ and working together with them to impact their spheres of influence. He has also given our hearts a love and passion for other nations including Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Africa. Through partnerships with local ministries, we are able to see the gospel bring salvation, hope, and help to the poor, and women and children at risk. We are also able to bring encouragement to leaders through training and equipping.
Talking to our friend Lek who was previously a bar owner. She got saved, sold her bar and moved back into her village to be a witness for Jesus. Cambodia – Kim with outreach team feeding the poor in the slums. Myanmar School of Restoration Myanmar School of Restoration Myanmar School of Restoration Myanmar School of Restoration Myanmar School of Restoration Myanmar School of Restoration Thailand – Visiting patients in the Aids Hospice with our pastor friends This precious woman from Thailand could not see very well, we prayed for her and her eyes cleared! Cambodia – Spending time with our friend David during outreach Operation Extreme Love Thailand – Praying for a woman at the Tamar Center Washing the leaders feet with Ken Greter Washing the leaders feet with Ken Greter Bart Preaching at Extreme Fire Conference Releasing the Father’s love during at the Extreme Fire Conference Bart and Ken Greter with our good friend and host David Joy Bart spending time with the children near Iris Base in Pemba Mozambique Bart & Kim with Myanmar ministry leaders