Keys to being Fruitful, Part 1- By Bart Hadaway
You would have to be blind to not be aware of the troublesome and sobering times that we are living in. Yet for believers in Jesus Christ, there are wonderful promises in the Word of God that inspire us with the assurance that we can remain fruitful in the Kingdom of God no matter what the circumstances of the world may be. Within these promises, we can find keys to encourage, strengthen, and propel us to live fruitful lives all for the glory of God.
There are four keys that I want to look at over the next several days. We will look at several scriptures as we go deeper into each of these individually. They are:
1) Abiding in Him
2) Trusting in Him
3) Meditating on His Word
4) Living in Purity
It is so encouraging to know that God has been and is increasingly raising up a host of believers who will walk and operate in levels of true kingdom authority and power. This company of believers will not be recognized by the size of their gatherings, but rather by their Christ like character that produces the kind of fruit that brings glory to God everywhere they go (John 15:8).
But for now, let me say that this is not the time to be in fear, retreat, and above all lose hope. In fact, these are the most exciting times for the body of Christ who will listen to and heed what the Spirit of God is saying. It is time to be bold in our faith, advance the Kingdom of God, and live hope filled lives in a dark world that is groping for answers.
“But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption.” (I Cor. 1:30 NAS).
This is what we have and who we are because of Jesus’ finished work on the cross. It is truly what the world is looking for. Let’s get ready. Let’s go!